Outcomes from Research

Realizing sounds that are easily recognized by the brain
SonicBrain® Technology

SonicBrain® Technology

Comuoon’s “SonicBrain®” technology supports the conversion of speech information in the brain. It reduces the burden of listening to speech by providing high-definition and natural sound quality when processing speech signals. Research results have been published to objectively evaluate the usefulness of comuoon from a brain science perspective.

Paper Title

Neuromagnetic evaluation of a communication support systemfor hearing-impaired patients


Kei Nakagawa, Shinichiro Nakaishi, Takeshi Imura, Yumi Kawahara,Akira Hashizume, Kaoru Kurisu, Louis Yuge(corresponding author)


American Journal of Neurology「Neuroreport」Volume 28 (Issue 12)

Clear and natural sound
I want to enjoy

comuoon pocket

comuoon pocket is a completely new portable hearing support device developed with sound quality in mind.
We call it a “listening monitor” to distinguish it from conventional hearing aids and sound collectors.
In addition to making it easier to hear people’s voices, the device enables users to enjoy music and movies they savor at home or on the go, or the sounds of nature in the forest or on the beach with a more realistic sensation.
This is a new addition to the comuoon series of dialogue support devices, which has sold over 12,000 units in total.
Product Page

This product is not a hearing aid certified as a medical device.

Research presentations on comuoon pocket: (in Japanese)
The 67th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Audiology
Group 9 Hearing Aid 1
A study on the hearing aid effect of comuoon pocket, a portable hearing support device
Hidetoshi Kato, Natsumi Tachibana, Shujiro Minami, Shinichiro Nakaishi, Koichiro Wasano 368
Product page

With the “Check Everyone’s Listening Brain Power” app, you can
Check your “Listening Brain Power” comprehensively with the “Everyone’s Listening Brain Power Check” application and strive for early detection!

Easy 5-minute free check

If left untreated, Hearing Frail can lead to a progressive decline in mental and physical vitality, increasing the risk of dementia and depression.
Let’s strive for early detection of Hearing Frail by using the application.

Download the “Minna no Hearing Brain Power Check” app

Download on the App Store

Google Play で手に入れよう

Minna no Hearing Brain Power Check” is used in the field of medical and nursing care as an ICT that supports early detection of hearing loss due to aging and voice communication during comprehensive community care and multidisciplinary cooperation.

Support for Strategic Fundamental Technology Advancement Project (Support-in Project) for fiscal years 2015 – 2017

The “Hearing Brain Power Check for Everyone” application is also introduced on the website of the Japanese Otorhinolaryngological Society.
The Japan Otorhinolaryngological Society